
Here you’ll find various blog posts I’ve written about Communication Coaching, Speech and Language Therapy and working as an Independent Speech and Language Therapist.

Supervision Kezia Lawson Supervision Kezia Lawson

How to reduce overwhelm and prevent burnout as a Speech and Language Therapist running your own private practice

Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed or on the verge of burnout as an independent Speech and Language Therapist running your own private practice?

As an independent healthcare practitioner, it can be difficult to strike a balance between running a business and delivering high quality, evidence-based, patient-centred care…whilst allowing yourself a life outside of work!

But to effectively serve your clients, it’s crucial to take care of yourself and develop your business in a way that fits in with your life.

This blog post aims to provide practical insights from my experiences, which may be particularly beneficial if you’re new to private practice, considering taking the leap into independent work, or experiencing mounting pressure in your independent practice.

I also share how my supervision and coaching services can help you to manage these challenges.

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